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Moving Silence
network for contemporary silent movies

19.4.2013 Ridotto del Cinema Teatro Verdi - Pordenone

The Bloom Machine (30')
dispositivo analogico per animazioni dal vivo di / analog device for live animations by
Anna Givani
interpretazione musicale di / live music interpretation by
Juliette Bedrock (tastiera), Lloyd Sinatra (chitarra), Lucia Gasti (violino)

The Force That Through the Green Fire Fuels the Flower (2011) 7' 52"
by Otto Kylmala
Stone Story (2012) 17' 24"
by Spyros A. Papanastasiou
Cerini (2001) 1'32"
by Giovanni De Roia


interpretazione musicale di / live music interpretation by
film choir-music system by Marco Brosolo feat. Fantasmi

sound 8 super 8 (30')
found footage film cut-up with real super 8 triple projection
interpretazione musicale di / live music interpretation by
Matthias Wyder