Made in Germany

Made in Germany

Aufklärungsfilm, 2002, color, 2 min watch film   stills pdf
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Zwei Nationalisten werden Opfer eines Fluches, den sie selbst ausgesprochen haben...
curry-production, Gruppe des Kurses "interaktives Videodesign Jg. 2001" am L4 - Institut für neue Medien GmbH  team infos  concept  press
AEGEE-Festival 2005:
Special mention:  “MADE IN GERMANY” by curry production (Germany 2002)  The Jury wants to give a special mention to a film, which convinces particularly by its  straightforward, consequent and at the same time humorous and entertaining realisation.  The film deals with the question, what a country – in this case Germany – would be without imports or influences of other countries and cultures. In a time, in which right winged and  neofascist organizations seem to gain more influence again, the film uses intelligent  humour to show the absurdity and stupidity of racist ideologies. A special mention of the  jury goes to “MADE IN GERMANY”.