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TUBE... YOUR HATE VIDEO © Matthias Fritsch 2006 interactive video game for internetplattform watch the video go to YOU TUBE side |
description This project was made to research strategies for the plattform Youtube.com. A spamm strategy was used to catch more clicks. A bad and violent trash video of less than a minute was announced as the new episode of a popular internet comedy soup. The result was a big amount of viewers and tons of very emotional and sometimes also very violent comments (what is hard to get in such an ammount normally). Because of 98% negative responses it becomes kind of entertaining to read! In May 2007 the last episode of the original series was produced and the experiment ended after generating 20k clicks. |
details Added: October 12, 2006 From user: subrealic Under the title: Chad Vader - Episode 5 (official version) Duration: 00:55 Description: backstage in the supermarket some fans are really pissed off... Tags: chad vader Episode five blame society aaron yonda matt sloan madison splatter punk amok trash blood stupid subrealic Category: Videogames Comments: allowed Views on May 06, 2007: 20,772 |
Read all comments
untill May 6th 2007 (192 total):
revengefrommars (6 months ago)
Good marketing, mediocre execution. (Get it, execution? Wow,
my comment is funnier than your video.)
Wanchope88 (6 months ago)
lol so many negative responses, i was fairly disapointed about
being lured in by the name thinking it was something else. but
i was somewhat amused by the fake blood lol. nice trick though
GhettoChu (6 months ago)
your video may have got better ratings if u didnt trick ppl
into viewing it. most ppl click on the link and after 2 seconds
see its not what it says it is and press the back button. looks
like u put some kinda work into this crap video, why not see
what ppl really think instead of getting bad responses from
pissing them off
Crazymanfein (6 months ago)
The stupidity of man; how far will it advance? This video represents
a giant leap.
Brianplop2 (6 months ago)
oh my god this was awsome! you two rule! Make more please! For
me? Don't listen to the faggots that think this sucked, you
have talent
AluraMelenko (6 months ago)
wow. 55 seconds of my life...down the drain. geee. thanks. thanks
a heap
sarahkellett (6 months ago)
that was stupid. but kind of cool in a way. next time people
dont steal an awsome title unless your going to call it the
night of the living dead that was never showen.
Petersunnergren (6 months ago)
Why did you use the title from another series? If you do a good
job with a clip, you should let the result get you viewers..
Of course, first you'd have to do a good job with the clip in
the first place... Rad up on some stage combat and cinematography..
Also try and have better sound quality..
fooddoctor (5 months ago)
Grown men proving once again that women are so much more intelligent
than men.
truestpredator (5 months ago)
Get a life you fucking retards. If I ever catch you guys on
the street ill kik both your asses off this fucking planet.
DO NOT degrade Chad Vader, assholes! Go dig a fuking hole and
bury yourselves in shame because you'll never amount to anything
in your pointless and pitiful lives.
DeltaHammer (5 months ago)
The visual quality of South Park, the acting ability of Kevin
Costner and the plot of a Steven Seagal movie. The only good
thing was the dialogue.
panjo23 (5 months ago)
Erm, calm down people...the amount of illiterate fucks I've
read putting "if I eva saw u guys on da street i wud fukin kik
ur asses." No you wouldn't, you are all pussies so stop trying
to act tough. As for the video, I found it rather entertaining.
However you shouldn't have posted it under Chad Vader's name
as that is disrespectful and Chad owns. Bye bye now.
darklord3000 (5 months ago)
what the fuck was that about it was so ridiculas you fucking
faggerts just fuck off and go and have a wank over each you
fucking qeers if a see you in the street a will kill you and
go fuck your sister if she fit, and why dis chad vader name
you teddy rapper
beavertooth (5 months ago)
no i would seriously kick their ass for doin such a stupid and
crappy peice under a name that i actually recognize as a good
effort of videomaking...this message is to subrealic, if i see
you, you will be beaten to a pulp, thank you...
MoronicN00b (5 months ago)
what the hell is this? thats got to be the worst something ive
ever wasted time on. and i sure have wasted a lot of time!
SamBenGarrett (5 months ago)
not chad. this video sucks fucking balls! get a cat, get a girlfriend,
or get a life!
KuroKakumei (5 months ago)
Wow, you guys need to get a life. Seriously. If you have nothing
better to do than make dumbass videos under the same name as
GOOD, creative videos and post them online just to be retarded
and annoying, then you really need to grow up.
rottingorange (5 months ago)
you people are sick and your SF/X (special efects) are absilutly
dreadful i was doing better when i frist got into the bussnes
take an F/X class also camara angles were no good
FCAdam (5 months ago)
i wasnt so offended because i knew t his wasnt realy, but really
theyre so sad, pathetic and desperate they have to use the name
of a popular youtube series to get anyone to watch theirsub-par
garbage, it must have taken you guys a while to mix all that
food coloring into the water =)
cdntrainee (5 months ago)
yeah, this was not good at all. The only reason I watched it was because you labeled it as "chad Vader", which was what I was expecting. Instead I get this crao. Don't do that again PLEASE (Reply)
YayaSenklip (5 months ago)
Why doesn't youtube remove this? This is not a Chad Vader episode!
Is anybody allowed to name their video with the name of a popular
series we are all watching? You tube should ban these guys!
dforch (4 months ago)
if you have to lie about the name of the video because you know
yours is going to suck then you shouldn't be making fucking
oh yah, that fucking sucked. that was the biggest piece of crap ever. thanks alot now i just wasted 1 minut i could have used to look up a better video or maybe a decent porno. (Reply)
brknbenjamn4 (4 months ago)
u suck, alot. wtf is with the blood, i think its food cloring,
but if it is real blood, then that proves how much MORE youre
mentally disturbed
davidscooper (4 months ago)
I agree, video is crap and if you post a video use your own
name for it not someone else's. Tw**s
Goku3216541 (4 months ago)
Man, the fact that you have to trick people into watching your
video certainly says a lot about its quality. I like the plastic
you put on your white trash carpet to keep the fake blood from
not staining it.
Tomahawk52 (4 months ago)
YouTube should have restrictions on fake-asses like this. Anyone
up for banning subrealic for a year? That'd be great.
7752 (4 months ago)
Not one postive comment? Maybe you should try renaming it to
something like "Lunatics beat the hell out of each other" instead
of trying to trick people into watching it because instead of
making them laugh (which they would do if they knew what they
were going on) you've just pissed them off. You've opened up
yourself a big wound in your leg and you're letting people poke
it, do you not find it demeaning when you get a comment?
yeknommonkey (2 months ago)
Chad Vader is well made, well written, funny and the guys have
actually: a) got some talent and b) made something worth watching.
Don't try to nick thier fans / viewers unless you actually make
something worth watching. Were you pissed when you made this?
I think most people could make somthing as useless as this after
a night at the pub. I wouldn't give up the day-job if i were
FILMMAKERCHAP (3 weeks ago)
this is still quite funny even if it was tagged with chad LOL
well done guys!
jcoronet2000 (3 weeks ago)
thank you for wasting the last 4 minutes of my life.
every one who has seen this is now stupider because of you. i hope satan has a special corner in hell saved just for you (Reply)
thegame2187 (2 weeks ago)
you stupid people whatdo you think you were doing . this is
sadistic. think what effect it will have on young children.
ArthasMenethil666 (2 weeks ago)
You guys suck monkey ass so bad...I have an idea for your next
video , go screw a goat...
lustrevision (2 weeks ago)
your moronic insolence will not be tolerated..i command you
to bring fourth episode number eight immediately!
superlardbucket (2 weeks ago)
You are words that don't even exist yet. Tis has nothing to
do with Chad Vader. As he would say it, "You have failed me
for the last time. Kiss my ass."
konjina666 (2 weeks ago)
koji drek - translatation: piece of shit!
do not insult chad vader with this video! (Reply)
zeushighscore (2 weeks ago)
That was the biggest pile of crap ever made.
Please go away and never return. (Reply)
MnStormPaintball (2 weeks ago)
You Suck you should be killed for making this shit. Your fight
scene hell two old grannies could do a better fight.
rapperSkater (2 weeks ago)
what the hell was that! definatly not chad vader! lol. it was
kinda funny i thought, especeally cause it was titled chad vader.
i dont know why people assume u have no lives cause of a 55
second clip though. I think people who spend time talkin shit
are the real ones with no lives.
mackman987 (2 weeks ago)
why is that called chad vader? and i don't think it's the official
version either. but sorta funny...
Coldrid (2 weeks ago)
If it had been labelled for what it was, then it would have
been fine, but instead they thought that they would take the
piss out of their fellow YouTube users by plagiarising (if in
title only) someone else's success. Gentlemen, contrary to what
you may have heard, there is such a thing as bad publicity and,
it has to be asked, is there any point in tricking people into
watching your video if, by doing so, you're automatically going
to make them hostile to both the video and yourslves?
leemyster2 (1 week ago)
good vid. i heard loads about chad vadar series. i see why its
got so many honours
Acorbietto (1 week ago)
why has that got anything to do with a comedy guy who happens
to be called chad vader...COCKS or should that be NO COCKS
TubeDragon1 (1 week ago)
This is totally sad. Get a life and make some decent videos
and don't use the title of a video that has nothing to do with
DarknessRage (1 week ago)
You know I agree completely. Man what the hell? This video is
a complete waste of time. This is both sad and Stupid
rickythekid (5 days ago)
sucks... sucks.... sucks....
...oh, and one more thing... ...sucks! (Reply)
GeorgeDRange (4 days ago)
You guys are just pissed because they suckered us in with the
title. I myself would never stoop to such antics in order to
attract viewers to my fine music videos. Fine music videos.
Fine. Stupendous.
Fine. Music videos. Truly great. (Reply)
ThisallSucks (1 day ago)
Your life was is an error in nature. I hope you get a virus
and you will die. You are garbage.