YESTERDAY WAS A DAY OF RUMOUR AND COUNTER RUMOUR video, 4k, color, stereo, 3min, Matthias Fritsch 2019 commisioned as part of "DIGITAL FAIRY TALES: Vengeance is Mine" presented by Leo Kuelbs Collection, curated by Leo Kuelbs and Richard Jochum |
The video deals with soldiers as masses & as individuals as well as rhetorical bubbles that determine their deployment and thus their fate. War is always associated with the use of language. Politicians find words to justify acts of war and to send real people into battle. The title is a quotation by Magaret Thatcher from the Falkland Islands conflict in the 1980s.
A mashup of politicians speeches is accompanied by marching masses of soldiers. What appears as a homogenous army, cathegorized by rangs, united by nationality, arguments, ethics or simply the rhythm of their marching – consists out of a heterogenous crowd of individual humans, each with their own character & emotions. |
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